BRIEFING I Szymon Weirauch before the match against Jagiellonia Białystok

Szymon Weirauch answered questions from journalists ahead of the upcoming match against Jagiellonia Białystok.

About the first match won without conceding

– I’m glad we played without conceding. The appetite grows with eating. I hope there will be more clean sheets, and that the next one will come on Saturday.

On his position in the team:

– Competition is always ongoing in training, but I think that if I show good form in training and in matches, I’ll get to play.

On expectations for the next match:

– Jagiellonia is a very offensive team. I expect that I may have some work to do, but I hope that our defense will also do well and that I won’t have to help.

On whether the match against Radomiak was his best in the Ekstraklasa:

– I think so.

On what this good form was due to:

– A lot of factors contributed to this success. The competition with Bohdan definitely motivates me, as Bohdan looks great in training. We push each other. It’s also a matter of hard work in training; with coach Skowron, we’re constantly perfecting new skills. I think I’ve also gained some composure, since this was my third match. I didn’t feel as stressed as at the beginning, my nerves eased, and I was able to showcase all my skills.

On his greatest progress:

– I think my footwork is getting better and better. In the first match, it was a bit nervous, but now it’s calmer. I believe it will keep improving from game to game.

On his qualities as a goalkeeper:

– Between the posts, I’m similar to how I am here. Of course, I communicate with the team because it’s necessary for us to talk and help each other on the field, but I tend to stay calm in goal. I’m not the type of goalkeeper who celebrates his saves; I prefer to focus on the task at hand and what I’m doing. I can celebrate after the match.

On getting out of the relegation zone and the atmosphere in the locker room:

– Of course, after two victories, our spirits are very high. I was confident that these wins would come because we work hard in training and we look good. Now I feel that we are getting to know the Ekstraklasa better; we already have some understanding of it. I think we will continue to win.

On his save in the match against Radomiak:

– Whether it would be the save of the round, I don’t know; the round is long. I think there are several very good goalkeepers in the Ekstraklasa who might make some great saves as well. I also hope to make a few more like that, so it’s hard to predict right now. Time will tell. But I was pleased with that save.

On the current situation of Jagiellonia Białystok:

– We know how it is when things aren’t going well, but I wouldn’t focus too much on that. I believe Jagiellonia is a very good team; they didn’t win the Polish Championship by chance. They are a very attacking team. I expect a very tough match and I’m not looking at whether they won or lost against Lech. The Ekstraklasa shows that you can’t focus on streaks; you have to take it game by game. We prepare for each match, and I believe we’ll handle Jagiellonia well too.






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