We are losing in Poznan

In the match of the 3rd round of PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we lost to Lech Poznan.

The match in Poznan didn’t start the White-Greens’ way. Mikael Ishak won an aerial duel with Andei Chindris and hit our goal from close range in the 3rd minute of the match. In the 14th minute Maksym Khlan tried to surprise the Lech goalkeeper with a strike from a distance, but his shot was off target. In the 35th minute, the Poznan players increased their lead. The goal for “Kolejorz” was scored by Dino Hotić. Camilo Mena in the 38th minute rushed down the right wing and tried to pass the ball into the penalty area. Unfortunately, the Colombian’s pass did not reach any of our players. In the 40th minute Mikael Ishak scored his second goal of the game. Poznanians could have increased the lead by the break, but fortunately Bohdan Sarnavskyi twice He showed great interventions. First, he phenomenally defended Mikael Ishak’s shot, and moments later he showed off his reflexes on Dino Hotic’s hit. After the first half, Lech led 3:0.

After the change of sides, in the 51st minute Camilo Mena broke away from the Poznan defense and found himself in a one-on-one situation with the Lech goalkeeper, who unfortunately defended the Colombian’s shot. In the 69th minute, the White-Greens constructed a good action in the rival’s half, which ended with a shot by Karl Wendt. However, the Swede’s shot proved too light to surprise Bartosz Mrozek. In 78 Sergiy Buletsa stood in front of an opportunity. After a Conrado pass, he mastered the ball in the penalty area, but failed to fire a shot at the Lech goal. In the added time a goal for our team was scored by Karl Wendt. The match ended with our team losing 1:3.

Our team’s next match is on August 11. The White-Greens will play at the Polsat Plus Arena against Zagłębie Lubin.

Lech Poznań vs. Lechia Gdańsk 3:1 (3:0)

Bramki: Ishak 3′, Hotić 35', Ishak 40', Wendt 90+3'

Lechia: Sarnavskyi – Piła, Chindris, Olsson, Kałahur (Conrado 46'), Kapić (Buletsa 73'), Zhelizko, Neugebauer (Wendt 46'), Mena, Khlan (Sezonienko 76'), Bobček (Viunnyk 76')






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80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
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