Win against Górnik Zabrze

In the match of the 7th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we won in an away game against Górnik Zabrze 3:2.

The Lechists constructed their first good opportunity in the 8th minute of the meeting. Camilo Mena found himself in the penalty area and fired a shot, after which the ball narrowly missed the post. Conrado in the 18th minute tried to surprise the Górnik goalkeeper with a strike from distance, but the ball flew high over the hosts’ goal. In the 24th minute, Anton Tsarenko dynamically entered in front of the penalty area and beat Michal Shrominik with a beautiful shot. In the 28th minute, Rifet Kapić perfectly placed the ball from the corner onto the head of Elias Olsson, and with a confident strike, Olsson increased our team’s lead to 2:0. In the 34th minute, referee Karol Arys noticed a hand in the Górnik’s penalty area and dictated an eleven for the White-Greens, but after VAR verification, the decision was reversed. Tomasz Wójtowicz came close to increasing the match’s score in the 38th minute, but the ball flew past the post after a shot from a dozen metres. By the break, our team was leading 2:0.

The second half started with no changes in the line-up. In the 51st minute, Camilo Mena passed the ball into the penalty area, but the ball headed towards Bohdan Viunnyk was knocked out by the Zabrze defence. The Górnik players scored the contact goal in the 53rd minute. Erik Janza played the ball to Pawel Olkowski and the latter beat our goalkeeper. In the 62nd minute, Kacper Sezonienko changed Tomasz Wójtowicz on the pitch. Camilo Mena in the 64th minute he found himself in a phenomenal situation to score the third goal for our team. The Colombian fired a shot that went past Michal Szromnik, but at the last moment the ball was knocked out by Pawel Olkowski. In the 65th minute, the Lechists were again close to increasing the result of the match. The ball was passed from a corner kick to Bujar Pllana, and he fired a shot that was instinctively defended by Michal Szromnik. In the 68th Bujar Pllana passed the ball to Bohdann Viunnyk, and the latter scored the third goal for our team. In the 73rd minute Loup-Diwan Gueho appeared on the pitch, who changed Anton Tsarenko. The Górnik players scored the second goal in the 82nd minute of the match. The goal for the Zabrze players was scored by Filipe Nascimento. In the 83rd minute, Miłosz Kałahur and Tomasz Neugebauer appeared on the pitch, who changed Conrado and Rifet Kapić. The match ended with a 3:2 victory for our team.

The White and Green’s next match is on 14 September. Our team will play at the Polsat Plus Arena against Radomiak Radom.

Górnik Zabrze vs. Lechia Gdańsk 2:3 (0:2) 

Bramki: Tsarenko 24', Olsson 28', Olkowski 54', Viunnyk 68', Nascimento 82'

Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana, Olsson, Conrado (Kałahur 82'), Kapić (Neugebauer 82'), Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Gueho 73'), Mena, Wójtowicz (Sezonienko 62'), Viunnyk 






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80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
fax +48 58 76 88 403


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