We draw against Widzew Łódź

In the match of the 10th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa we drew at the Polsat Plus Arena with Widzew Łódź. The meeting ended with a score of 1:1.

The Lechists constructed a good situation in the 16th minute of the meeting. Conrado sped on the wing and ran into the penalty area, but his catch towards Bohdan Viunnyk was knocked out by a Widzew defender. In the 19th minute, our players came very close to taking the lead in the match. Rifet Kapić made a great pass, but Bohdan Viunnyk’s head shot was off target. Dominik Piła in the 27th minute carried out a nice action on the wing. He played into the area of the sixteenth metre, but Bohdan Viunnyk failed to control the ball. In the 33rd minute, Kacper Sezonienko found himself in a phenomenal opportunity to score the first goal of the game after a mistake by Juan Fernandez Blanco. The Pole found himself in a one-on-one situation with Rafal Gikiewicz, but the ball after his strike hit the side netting. Maksym Khlan tried to surprise the Widzew goalkeeper with a strike from distance in the 38th minute. Rafal Gikiewicz, however, intervened without a problem. Szymon Marciniak dictated a penalty kick for the White-Greens and in the 44th minute Rifet Kapić converted the fixed part of the game into the first goal of the match. By the break we were leading against Widzew 1:0.

The second half started with no changes in the line-up. Bohdan Viunnyk in the 48th minute found himself in a good situation to increase the score of the match, but the Ukrainian’s shot was unfortunately off target. A minute later, Maksym Khlan impressively broke into the penalty area, but ended up getting lost in dribbling. In the 55th minute, a great intervention was shown by Szymon Weirauch, who defended a good strike from a free kick by Sebastian Kerk. Elias Olsson fouled Imad Rondić in the penalty area in the 73rd minute of the meeting. Referee Szymon Marciniak dictated an eleven for the Widzew players, which the Bosnian player confidently used a minute later. In the 75th minute Louis D’Arrigo, who changed Bohdan Viunnyk, came on to the pitch. Four minutes later, Anton Tsarenko left the pitch and was replaced by Tomasz Neugebauer. In the 89th minute, Loup Diwan Gueho replaced Rifet Kapić. In added time, Szymon Weirauch showed a great intervention. Jakub Lukowski found himself in a one-on-one situation with our goalkeeper, but he brilliantly defended the shot of the Widzew player. The match ended in a 1:1 draw.

White-Greens next match is on 5 October. Our team will play an away game against Stal Mielec.

Lechia Gdańsk vs. Widzew Łódź 1:1 (1:0) 

Bramki: Kapić 44' - Rondić 74'

Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana, Olsson, Conrado, Kapić (Gueho 89'), Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Neugebauer 79'), Sezonienko, Khlan, Viunnyk(D'Arrigo 75')






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80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
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