We lost in Mielec

In the match of the 11th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we lost at an away game against Stal Mielec. The meeting ended with a score of 2:1.

The match started with a great intervention by Szymon Weirauch. In the 1st minute of the match, Maciej Domański struck from outside the penalty area, but a gentle flick of the ball by our goalkeeper caused the ball to hit the post and not fall into the goal. In the 3rd minute of the match our players constructed a good counterattack. Bohdan Viunnyk passed the ball to Maksym Khlan, and the latter hit the Mielec players’ goal. Unfortunately, after a VAR analysis, Sebastian Krasny decided that the White-Greens’ striker had fouled Mateusz Matras earlier. Anton Tsarenko tried to surprise the Stal players with a shot from distance in the 9th minute, but the Stal defence blocked the Ukrainian’s shot. A minute later, after a centre from a corner kick, the ball went to Maksym Khlan, who passed to Bohdan Viunnyk. Our striker headed the ball into the net of the Mielec team after hitting it with his heel, but again it was whistled for offside. In the 24th minute Ilya Shkurin found himself in a convenient situation to score a goal for the Stal team. Fortunately, another great intervention was shown by Szymon Weirauch. In the 38th minute, the ball landed in the Stal net for the third time, but this time the goal was recognised by the match referee.Maksym Khlan passed the ball to Dominik Piła, who directed it into the goal guarded by Jakub Mądrzyk. We were leading in Mielec 1:0 by the break.

We started the second half with no changes in the line-up. In the 57th minute a brilliant intervention was shown by Elias Olsson, who knocked the ball out of the goal line and saved our team from losing a goal. A minute later, the hosts levelled the score. The goal for the Mielec players was scored by Piotr Wlazło. In the 65th minute Maksym Khlan constructed a nice action with Bohdan Viunnyk, which was finished with a shot by Rifet Kapić. However, the ball was parried away by the Stal goalkeeper for a corner kick. Loup Diwan Gueho changed Anton Tsarenko in the 70th minute. In the 79th minute Maksym Khlan tried to pass the ball to Ivan Zhelizko under the goal of Stal, but the latter failed to control the ball in the field of play. Louis D’Arrigo appeared on the pitch in the 86th minute. He changed Maksym Khlan on the turf. In extra time, the Mielecs went into the lead after a goal by Łukasz Wolsztyński. The match ended in defeat for our team 1:2.

The White-Greens will play their next match on 18 October. Our team will face Legia Warsaw at the Polsat Plus Arena.

Stal Mielec vs. Lechia Gdańsk 2:1 (0:1) 

Bramki: Wlazło 58', Wolsztyński 90' - Piła 38'
Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana, Olsson, Kałahur, Kapić, Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Gueho 70'), Sezonienko, Khlan (D'Arrigo 86'), Viunnyk






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