We lost against Legia

In the match of the 12th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we lost at the Polsat Plus Arena against Legia Warsaw. The meeting ended with a score of 0:2.

In the 3rd minute of the meeting Ryoya Morishita played the ball to Wojciech Urbanski, who decided to shoot, but fortunately our goalkeeper showed good intervention. Bartosz Kapustka in the 18th minute found himself in a convenient situation to bring Legia into the lead, but Szymon Weirauch again saved our team from losing a goal. Dominik Piła in the 28th minute passed the ball to Bohdan Viunnyk, and after the Ukrainian hit the ball flew minimally over the crossbar. Our players constructed a phenomenal situation in the 43rd minute to take the lead in the meeting. Rifet Kapić played the ball to Bohdan Viunnyk, but Legia’s goalkeeper defended the shot of our striker. By the break, the scoreboard showed 0:0.

We started the second half without any changes in the lineup. In the 48th minute, Kacper Sezonienko crossed the ball into the penalty area towards Maksym Khlan, but Paweł Wszołek intervened at the last moment. Legia came close to scoring in the 51st minute, but Conrado cleared the ball just before it crossed the goal line. In the 55th minute, Anton Tsarenko passed the ball to Kacper Sezonienko, but unfortunately, the Polish player’s shot was blocked by a Legia defender. In the 58th minute, Legia opened the scoring, with Ryoya Morishita netting the goal for the Warsaw team. A minute later, Kacper Sezonienko was substituted, and Camilo Mena entered the field. Kacper Chodyna extended Legia’s lead in the 63rd minute of the meeting. Anton Tsarenko was substituted in the 69th minute by Sergyi Buletsa. In the 75th minute Tomasz Wojtowicz, Karl Wendt and Tomasz Neugebauer appeared on the pitch. Bohdan Viunnyk, Maksym Khlan and Bujar Pllana left the pitch. Camilo Mena was close to finding himself in a convenient situation in the 78th minute, but was stopped by the Warsaw defence. In the 87th minute Karl Wendt had a chance to score for our team. Unfortunately, a bad reception of the ball meant that the action was not successful. The match ended with our team losing 0:2.

Lechia’s next match is on October 25. Our team will play an away game against Piast Gliwice.

Lechia Gdańsk vs. Legia Warszawa 0:2 (0:0)

Bramki: Morishita 58', Chodyna 63'

Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana (Neugebauer 75'), Olsson, Conrado, Kapić, Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Buletsa 69'), Sezonienko (Mena 59'), Khlan (Wendt 75'), Viunnyk (Wójtowicz 75')






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80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
fax +48 58 76 88 403


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