A draw in a sparring match with Wisla Płock

In our fourth sparring match before the start of the 2024/25 season, we tied with Wisla Płock.

Wisła Płock opened the score in the 18th minute. Karol Sekulski hit the goal after a head shot and beat our goalkeeper. In the 23rd minute the “Oilmen” constructed a good counter-attack, but fortunately Bohdan Sarnavskyi showed even better intervention. After a foul on Camilo Mena, the arbiter of the match dictated a penalty kick, which was confidently executed by Tomasz Neugebauer in the 28th minute. The first half of the match ended with a score of 1:1.

The Lechists started the second half with no changes in the lineup. In the 54th minute, Ivan Zhelizko tried to beat the Vistula goalkeeper with a strong shot from a free kick, but the goalkeeper intervened confidently. In the 64th minute, Lechia constructed a composed action, but no one finished a good play by Kacper Sezonienka. Bohdan Viunnyk, moments after entering the field, threatened the Vistula goalkeeper with a shot. Unfortunately, the ball hit the side netting. In the 70th minute of the meeting, Sergiy Buletsa checked in for the first time in a White-Green jersey. Soon after, in the 73rd minute of the match after a long break due to injury, Conrado appeared on the field. A great intervention was shown in the 75th minute by Bohdan Sarnavskyi, who defended a strong shot from a distance by rivals. After the final whistle, the scoreboard showed 1:1.

This Friday (July 19, 2024), we will begin the struggle in the 2024/25 PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa season. In the 1st round we will play a friendship match against Slask in Wroclaw.

Lechia Gdańsk - Wisła Płock 1:1 (1:1) 

Goals: Sekulski 18', Neugebauer 28',

Lechia: Sarnavskyi - Kalahur (Conrado 73'), Olsson, Chindris, Gueho (Viunnyk 69'), Saw, Zhelizko, Neugebauer (Buletsa 70'), D'Arrigo (Bieganski 60'), Mena, Sezonienko






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