A draw in the meeting with KGHM Zagłębie Lubin

In the match of the 4th round of PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa We tied with KGHM Zagłębie Lubin 1:1.

In the 3rd minute of the meeting, the Danzigers found themselves in front of a convenient situation. Camilo Mena intercepted the ball and tried to outpace the goalkeeper, but the shot flew too low and Dominik Gladun caught the ball. The Zagłębie players were close to taking the lead in the 12th minute. Fortunately, David Kurminowski’s shot was confidently defended by Bohdan Saranvskyi. In the 17th minute, the Lubin players again found themselves in front of a convenient opportunity, but our goalkeeper again showed good intervention in a one-on-one situation with Dawid Kurminowski. After a phenomenal play by Dominik Saw, Tomas Bobcek had a great opportunity to bring the White-Greens into the lead in the 23rd minute. Unfortunately, his shot flew high over the goal guarded by Dominik Gladun. In the 27th minute, Camilo Mena rushed down the right wing and brilliantly centered into the penalty area, but Maksym Khaln failed to close the situation. In the 36th minute, Ivan Zhelizko passed the ball into the penalty area to Tomas Bobck, but a lot of pressure from the visitors’ defense caused the Slovakian to miss the goal. Conrado rushed down the left wing in the 39th minute and finished the action with a dangerous shot that flew minimally past the post. The first half ended in a scoreless draw.

The second half started perfectly for our team. As early as the 48th minute, Maksym Khlan passed the ball to Tomas Bock, and the latter brought our team into the lead. In the 54th minute, Karl Wendt tried to surprise Zagłębie’s goalkeeper with a shot from 20 meters, but he hit too legibly and Dominik Gladun intervened without any problems. In the 72nd minute, Tomasz Wojtowicz found himself in front of a phenomenal opportunity. Unfortunately, the shot went high over the goal. Zagłębie’s players leveled the score in the 76th. minute of the meeting. The goal for the visiting team was scored by Vaclav Sejk. In the 84th minute, Lubin players found themselves in a good situation. Vaclav Sejk took a strong shot at our goal, but Bohdan Sarnavskyi was better in this situation. The match ended with a score of 1:1.

Our team’s next match is on August 16. The White-Greens will play an away game against Puszcza Niepołomice.

Lechia Gdańsk vs. KGHM Zagłębie Lubin 1:1 (0:0) 

Bramki: Bobcek 48′, Sejk 76'

Lechia: Sarnavskyi – Piła, Gueho, Olsson, Conrado, Kapić (Neugebauer 73'), Zhelizko, Wendt (Buletsa 81'), Mena, Khlan (Wójtowicz 67'), Bobcek (Sezonienko 73')






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