BRIEFING I Bohdan Viunnyk before the match against Stal Mielec

Bohdan Viunnyk answered questions from journalists before the match against Stal Mielec.

On comparing Stal Mielec with the last opponent, Widzew Łódź:

I don’t think we can say that these teams are on different levels because since I’ve been here, I’ve seen that all the teams in Ekstraklasa are on a similar level. It doesn’t matter if it’s the team in first or last place, we play the same way, we would like three points. So, I wouldn’t say there’s a big difference between Widzew Łódź and Stal Mielec.

On the mental preparation for the match in Mielec:

Everybody knows that we are a young team and, of course, we need to adapt to Ekstraklasa. First games were not so good for us, but with every game, we have more courage, more good moments in goals and defense. Sometimes we don’t have a lot of luck, but that comes with training and good results in games. This game will be important for us, with the three points being the main goal. This is our first task and after that we will speak about others, to not concede the goals and score more goals but now three points is most important.

On evaluating his own effectiveness:

Of course, for the striker the most important thing is to score goals – like Haaland or Mbappe, they score a lot of goals, everybody likes them. I would not say that I missed one year of football because of some reasons, but this has really made impact on me. Now I get into my shape and every game, every training I become better and this game I will also get better. I will not make promises, but everybody will see during this game that I want to score goals.

On his current shape:

First games for me were disaster, because I know what I’m capable of, and many people also know that, but the first games were not what I wanted. Now I am coming to my top shape so this game will be on my side 100%.

On the team’s position in the table:

Of course, we don’t want to be in last place, but we don’t feel pressure because of our position. We’re focused on moving up, and as everyone can see, we have 9 points now. If we win two or three more games, we’ll be in the top part of the table.

On the expected large attendance for the match against Legia:

First of all we concentrate on the game in Mielec. But for me, as a football player, it is amazing to play for full stadium. It is giving me more courage, more interest. I hope the stadium will be full so it will give us more power to play.

On getting into goal-scoring situations:

Sometimes, it is good when people look not only at the statistics, but on my games. Sometimes I don’t have many chances in the game. It comes also from the team’s spirit, from the confidence of the team. I think now we will have more chances and now I will have more opportunities to score goals. So sometimes it is not just about the goals, because if you don’t have moments, you cannot score goals






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