CONFERENCE I Coach Szymon Grabowski before the match against Widzew Łódź

Before the Friday match against Widzew Łódź, coach Szymon Grabowski answered journalists’ questions.

We are preparing for this match, I believe, fully focused above all, because that focus will be very important for our team on Friday evening. I hope that once again we will bring a lot of joy, and the victory will stay in Gdańsk. – said coach Grabowski.

On the condition of Khlan and Mena:

– Overall, looking at the entire team, I think the strength has been regained. Everyone is ready, everyone is in training, and I hope it will stay that way tomorrow in the match against Widzew.

On ways to improve the defense:

– We can’t and don’t want to rush anything. We need to work, draw conclusions, analyze, point out mistakes, watch video analyses, and discuss with the players who are on the field at that moment and in the defensive phase. It’s not just about the defenders and the goalkeeper; we have more to criticize ourselves for as a team. There’s no quick fix here, so I hope we will continue to execute the tasks we assign to the players, which will lead not only to clean sheets but also to greater calm in the defensive play of the entire team.

On preparations after the lost cup match:

– It’s not about shedding any baggage. It was a defeat that doesn’t suit us, but fortunately, we have a match tomorrow, and we are focusing solely on Widzew. We know how much good a potential victory would bring us, not only in terms of points but also mentally, rebuilding the trust of the fans, which we have severely strained. We know how important this upcoming match is, and we’re not looking back but focusing on what lies ahead.

On the reasons for the cup match defeat:

– Pogoń’s advancement was deserved. As I mentioned at the conference, I congratulated the coach and the home team. We have analyzed our performance, so I wouldn’t want to revisit that match publicly because I don’t think it’s necessary for us at all. The players, both individually and as a team, know my feelings, my opinion, and my conclusions from that match, but right now, all our efforts are focused on Friday.

On the strategy for the match against Widzew:

I wouldn’t say that lacking points against Widzew bodes poorly for us in the future. It’s clear that we want to win every match, and that’s how we will approach this one. We have great respect for the Widzew team because they are a side that feels very comfortable with the ball and performs well in offensive moments. I don’t even want to discuss their individual players, as we will focus on ourselves. As I mentioned, we know what a victory can bring us and the benefits it will yield, which is why we want to present ourselves in the best possible way and simply secure those three points.






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