Defeat against Puszcza Niepołomice

In the match of the 5th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we lost to Puszcza Niepołomice 1:4.

The match did not start as the White-Greens had intended. In the 2nd minute of the meeting, Puszcza’s players opened the score. Konrad Stępień scored the goal for the Niepolomice. In the 8th minute, our players constructed a nice action in Puszcza’s half of the pitch. Unfortunately, Bobck’s shot was off target. In the 11th minute Karl Wendt attempted a shot at the goal, but his strike was blocked by the hosts’ defence. In the 23rd minute, Ivan Zhelizko fired a powerful shot from a free kick, however, Kewin Komar managed to defend the Ukrainian’s shot. Camilo Mena broke through the Niepolomice defence in the 30th minute and found himself in a good situation to equalise the match. However, the Colombian’s shot was too light and Puszcza’s goalkeeper confidently caught the ball. In the 33rd minute, the niepołomiczanie increased the result of the meeting. Dawid Abramowicz passed the ball to Michalis Kosidis, who scored with a head strike. In the 39th minute Bohdan Viunnyk appeared on the pitch, who changed Tomas Bobck. Ivan Zhelizko tried to surprise the Puszcza goalkeeper in the 43rd minute with a shot from distance, but his shot was blocked by the Niepolomice defence. By the break, the team from Niepołomice were leading by two goals.

In the second half, Puszcza’s players found themselves in front of a convenient situation in the 49th minute. Konrad Stępień found himself in a one-on-one action with our goalkeeper. Fortunately, Bohdan Sarnavskyi came out victorious from this duel. In the 58th minute, Anton Tsarenko made his debut in our team and changed Karl Wendt on the pitch. In the 62nd minute, Camilo Mena found himself in front of a great opportunity. The Colombian went one-on-one with the goalkeeper of the Niepolomice, but this confrontation was won by Kewin Komar. Anton Tsarenko tried to surprise the Puszcza goalkeeper with a shot from distance in the 65th minute, but the strike proved off target. In the 78th minute, the Puszcza players scored the third goal. The goal for the team from Niepołomice was scored by Roman Yakuba. In the 80th minute Kacper Sezonienko, Miłosz Kałahur and Tomasz Wójtowicz appeared on the pitch. The fourth goal for the Puszcza team was scored by Roman Yakuba, who recorded his second goal of the game in the 87th minute. In the 89th minute, the only goal for our team was scored by Camilo Mena. The match ended with our team losing 1:4.

Our team’s next match is on 23 August. The White-Greens will play at the Polsat Plus Arena against Rakow Częstochowa.

Puszcza Niepołomice vs. Lechia Gdańsk 4:1 (2:0) 

Bramki: Stępień 2′, Kosidis 33', Yakuba 78', Yakuba 87' Mena 89'

Lechia: Sarnavskyi – Piła (Wójtowicz 80'), Pllana, Olsson (Sezonienko 80'), Conrado (Kałahur 80'), Kapić, Zhelizko, Wendt (Tsarenko 58'), Mena, Khlan, Bobcek (Viunnyk 39'), 






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