Lechia draws with Slask Wroclaw

In the match of the 1st round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we tied with Slask Wroclaw.

As early as the 4th minute of the first half, Louis D’Arrigo found himself in front of a convenient situation. It was not far to go for the Australian to beat Slask’s defense. In the 12th minute, Tomasz Neugebauer fired a beautiful shot from distance, which landed in the Wroclawians’ goal and brought the White-Greens into the lead. An amazing intervention was shown off in the 24th minute by Bohdan Sarnavskyi, who defended Sebastian Musiolik’s powerful shot. By the break we were leading 1:0.

In the second half, Śląsk Wrocław came very close to equalizing in the 48th minute. After an error by Bohdan Sarnavskyi, the ball reached the goal line, where it was knocked out at the last minute by Andrei Chindris. In the 51st minute, the Lechists constructed a nice action. Unfortunately, Camilo Mena’s catch was knocked out for a corner kick. In the 61st minute, Sergyi Buletsa appeared on the field and made his debut in an official match in the colors of our team. In the 68th minute, Elias Olsson showed great intervention. The Swede knocked out a dangerous head centering on a corner kick. Bohdan Viunnyk also made his debut, entering the turf in the 77th minute of the match. In the 87th minute, Conrado appeared on the pitch after an extended break from league action. In addition, debutant Karl Wendt appeared on the pitch. In the down time, Śląsk Wrocław scored a goal. The goal scorer was Tommaso Guercio. The friendship match ended with a score of 1:1.

Our team’s next match is this Friday. The White-Greens will play against Motor Lublin at Polsat Plus Arena Gdansk.

Śląsk Wrocław vs. Lechia Gdańsk 1:1 (0:1)

Bramki: Neugebauer 12′, Guercio 90+2'

Lechia: Sarnavskyi – Piła, Chindris, Olsson, Kałahur, Kapić (Wendt 87'), Zhelizko, Neugebauer (Buletsa 61'), Mena (Conrado 87'), D'Arrigo (Viunnyk 77'), Sezonienko






Ul. Pokoleń Lechii Gdańsk 1
80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
fax +48 58 76 88 403


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