Press conference after the match against Jagiellonia Białystok

At the post-match press conference, coach Szymon Grabowski commented on the match against Jagiellonia Białystok.

In two words, I can summarize this match as ‘a big dissatisfaction’. Unfortunately, we aren’t leaving Białystok with even a point. We were close to getting one, and we could have fought for three. This match can also be summarized with the word ‘moments.’ We had a weak moment at the start, as we didn’t enter the first half the way we wanted to. I think we dropped back too deep, and Jagiellonia was able to move the ball too easily. Then, we started to look good, even very good, and I was proud of how the team built and constructed offensive plays. I was very pleased with our response after conceding the first goal, where a very nice, well-composed action ended with a successful shot. It seemed like everything was working well in the second half. We scored to make it 2-1, but at a certain point, we had some weaker moments again, even before conceding another goal. I think this is a lesson for us that we need to be smarter with the ball, eliminate simple losses, but also make better use of the chances we create. Maybe they weren’t 100% chances, but there were definitely opportunities that could have ended with a goal, and the match could have been closed out. However, we also failed to capitalize on good movements, especially from our striker, who received the ball behind the back while running into half-spaces, and here we have regrets as well. What happened later hurts us the most, because once again, we conceded very easy goals and lost. Nevertheless, I congratulate the team. Before the match, we were predicted to lose easily. We put up a fight against the Polish champions, but for now, it’s not enough to take a point from here, so we need to keep working. A big thank you, of course, to our fans, who again supported us loudly and solidly. Unfortunately, once again, we didn’t give them the positives they wanted during the match away.

About the missed chances up front and the mistakes in defense:

All regrets, regrets for the points first of all, regrets that indeed Bujar had moments of weakness and they ended up with a goal or some threats somewhere, but here we look at the whole team. We had situations that we should have taken advantage of. We had situations that we should have handled better. We had situations where we should have defended better, reacted better, and covered the area in front of the goal more effectively. So, you could say that the pattern from the games we’ve lost is repeating itself. I think the sense of frustration is similar, and unfortunately, the mistakes were also comparable to those in previous matches.






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