We lose after a fierce match against Jagiellonia Białystok

In the match of the 9th round of the PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa, we lost the match against Jagiellonia Białystok 2:3.

The Bialystok players opened the result of the match. In the 13th minute Tomas Costa Silva gave Jagiellonia the lead. Our players quickly equalised the match. Maksym Khlan passed the ball to Conrado, who passed to Bohdan Viunnyk, who headed the ball into the goal guarded by Slavomir Abramovich in the 16th minute. The Lechists came out with a good counter-attack in the 20th minute. Maksym Klan passed the ball to Bohdan Viunnyk in the penalty area. However, the latter was blocked by a defender and did not have a convenient position to shoot. In the 23rd minute, Rifet Kapić tried to surprise Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper with a strike from distance. However, the shot was blocked by the hosts’ defence. In the 32nd minute, the Lechists were close to going into the lead. Maksym Khlan fired a shot which was defended with great difficulty by Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper. In the added time of the first half of the match Camilo Mena found himself in a great opportunity to bring our team into the lead, but Slawomir Abramowicz showed a good intervention. The scoreboard read 1:1 until the break.

The second half started without any changes in the line-up. In the 52nd minute the White-Greens constructed a nice action, which unfortunately ended with a too light shot by Ivan Zhelizko. Szymon Weirauch in the 56th minute showed an instinctive intervention that saved our team from losing a goal. In the 59th minute, after a confusion in the penalty area, Maksym Khlan fired a shot, after which the ball bounced off a Jagiellonia defender and, after the hands of Slawomir Abramovich, fell into the goal. Camilo Mena found himself in a good situation in the 71st minute, but the Colombian’s shot was off target. The Bialystok players equalised the match in the 72nd minute. The goal for Jagiellonia was scored by Jesus Imaz. Referee Jarosław Przybył dictated a penalty kick for the Białystok players after Bujar Pllana played the ball with his hand. Mateusz Skrzypczak confidently used the fixed part of the game in the 76th minute of the match and brought Jagiellonia into the lead. In the 77th minute, Tomasz Neugebauer and Kacper Sezonienko appeared on the pitch, replacing Anton Tsarenko and Bohdan Viunnyk. Szymon Wierauch intervened phenomenally in the 79th minute and saved our team from losing the fourth goal. Sergyi Buletsa, who changed Elias Olsson, appeared on the pitch in the 84th minute. The meeting ended with our team losing 2:3.

The White-Greens will play their next match on 24 September. Our team will play an away game against Pogonia Grodzisk Mazowiecki as part of 1/32 of the Fortuna Polish Cup.

Jagiellonia Białystok vs. Lechia Gdańsk 3:2 (1:1) 

Bramki: Silva 13', Imaz 72', Skrzypczak 76' - Viunnyk 16', Khlan 59'
Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana, Olsson (Buletsa 84'), Conrado, Kapić, Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Neugebauer 77'), Mena, Khlan, Viunnyk (Sezonienko 77')






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