Three points stay in Gdansk. We won against Radomiak!

W meczu 8. kolejki PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasy odnieśliśmy drugie zwycięstwo z rzędu. Spotkanie z Radomiakiem Radom zakończyło się wynikiem 1:0.

The Lechists constructed a good situation as early as the 1st minute of the meeting. Bohdan Viunnyk found himself in a one-on-one situation, but his shot went straight at the Radomiak goalkeeper. In the 8th minute our players created a nice action, but after a series of accurate passes Camilo Mena failed to control the ball in the visitors’ penalty area. In the 12th minute, the White-Greens once again created a good opportunity to go into the lead. After a shot by Maksym Khlan, the ball found its way into the goal guarded by Maciej Kikolski, but referee Damian Sylwestrzak did not recognise the goal due to a burned ball. In the 25th minute Camilo Mena found himself in a good situation. The Colombian ran into the penalty area and from an acute angle took a powerful shot, which unfortunately did not surprise the Radom goalkeeper. A minute later, Conrado passed to Bujar Pllana, who took a head shot, but Maciej Kikolski showed a confident intervention. In the 32nd minute, Maksym Khlan tried a knockdown strike, but the ball flew just over the crossbar. In the 36th minute Conrado found himself with the ball in the penalty area. The Brazilian took a dangerous shot, but once again Radomiak’s goalkeeper showed confident defence. In the 40th minute, the Radom players constructed a good situation. Rafał Wolski conducted an individual rally, after which he fired a shot that was brilliantly defended by Szymon Weirauch. The Radom players could have taken the lead in the 45th minute of the match after a shot by Leonardo Rocha, but once again our goalkeeper showed phenomenal intervention. In added time, Szymon Weirauch again showed a great parade after a powerful shot by Paulo Henrique. By the break, the scoreboard showed a goalless draw.

The second half started without any changes to the line-up. In the 47th minute the Lechists created a good situation to take the lead in the game. Dominik Pila passed the ball to Maksym Khlan, who unfortunately took an inaccurate head shot. The Ukrainian again found himself in a convenient situation in the 50th minute, but his strike was confidently defended by Maciej Kikolski. In the 56th minute, Camilo Mena was fouled in the penalty area. Referee Damian Sylwestrzak dictated an eleven for the White-Greens. The Colombian took advantage of the fixed part of the game and we went into the lead in the 58th minute. In the 68th minute Kacper Sezonienko appeared on the pitch, who changed Bohdan Viunnyk. Two minutes after entering the pitch, he led a great counter-attack, but a pass towards Maksym Khlan was off target. In the 82nd minute, Tomasz Neugebauer replaced Anton Tsarenko. In the 86th minute, the Lechists constructed a dangerous action, which was finished with a shot by Maksym Khlan. However, Radomiak’s goalkeeper showed good intervention. In the 89th minute Loup Diwan Gueho appeared on the pitch for Maksym Khlan. The meeting ended with a 1:0 win for our team.

The White-Greens’ next match is on 21 September. Our team will play an away game against Jagiellonia Białystok.

Lechia Gdańsk vs. Radomiak Radom 1:0 (0:0) 

Bramka: Mena 58'

Lechia: Weirauch – Piła, Pllana, Olsson, Conrado, Kapić, Zhelizko, Tsarenko (Neugebauer 82'), Mena, Khlan (Gueho 89'), Viunnyk (Sezonienko 68') 






Ul. Pokoleń Lechii Gdańsk 1
80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
fax +48 58 76 88 403


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