We are eliminated from the Polish Cup after a penalty shootout against Pogoń Grodzisk Mazowiecki

In a match played as part of the 1st round of the Polish Cup, we lost after a penalty shootout against Pogonia Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

The Lechists constructed the first good situation in the 5th minute of the meeting. Karl Wendt fired a shot that was blocked. However, the ball found its way under Tomasz Nugebauer’s feet, but his strike towards goal was too light and Dmytro Sydorenko intervened without any problems. In the 22nd minute, Kacper Sezonienko received a good pass from Tomasz Nugebauer. Unfortunately, the head shot proved to be off target. One minute later, after a mistake by Pogoń’s defenders, Kacper Sezonienko found himself in a great situation to take the lead in the game, but after his strike the ball flew past the post. After a foul by Tomasz Neugebauer on Jakub Apolinarski, referee Piotr Idzik dictated a penalty kick for Pogoń in the 33rd minute. However, the fixed part of the game was not used by Kamil Odolak. Bohdan Sarnavskyi sensed his opponent’s intention and a goalless draw continued. A minute later, our goalkeeper again showed good intervention and confidently defended Jakub Apolinarski’s shot. In the added time of the first half, the Lechists found themselves in a good situation to take the lead in the match. However, Kacper Sezonienka’s catch was knocked out by a Pogoń defender. Until the break, the scoreboard showed a goalless draw.

The second half started with no changes to the line-up. In the 50th minute of the match Louis D’Arrigo opened the score. Kacper Sezonienko passed the ball to the Australian and he headed the ball into the hosts’ goal. In the 67th minute, Sergyi Buletsa and Kacper Sezonieko came off the pitch. They were replaced by Ivan Zhelizko and Anton Tsarenko. Louis D’Arrigo tried to run Anton Tsarenko in the 73rd minute, but the Ukrainian failed to deceive the goalkeeper. Then in the 76th minute Rifet Kapić and Bujar Pllana appeared on the pitch, replacing Louis D’Arrigo and Karl Wendt. In the 90th minute, Adam Kardaś replaced Tomasz Neugebauer. In added time, Karol Noiszewski equalised the match. After two halves we did not know the outcome and extra time had to be played.

In the 95th minute, the players from Grodzisk Mazowiecki were very close to taking the lead. Jakub Apolinarski played around Miłosz Kałahur, fired a shot, after which the ball fortunately bounced off the crossbar, then off the inside of the post and finally did not fall into our net. Adam Kardaś took a very good shot in the 100th minute of the game, but Pogoń’s goalkeeper intervened even better. Rifet Kapić’s rebound was off target. The score remained 1:1 in the first half of extra time.

In the 108th minute Dominik Saw tried a strike from distance, but a Pogoń defender blocked the strike. Dominik Saw in the 114th minute constructed a good counter-attack with Anton Tsarenko, but it was not finalised. In the 120th minute, Dominik Piłka found himself in a favourable situation to lay the ball under the legs of Bohdan Viunnyk, but Pogoń defenders intercepted the ball after his pass. The second half of extra time was also inconclusive, and it was the penalty shootout that decided progress to the next round.

In a series of penalty kicks, Bohdan Viunnyk and Bujar Pllana missed Pogoni’s goal, and unfortunately we dropped out of the Polish Cup competition.

The White-Greens will play their next match on 27 September. Our team will face Widzew Łódź at the Polsat Plus Arena.

Pogoń Grodzisk Mazowiecki vs. Lechia Gdańsk 1:1 (pd. k. 4-3)

Bramki: Noiszewski 90' - D'Arrigo 50'
Lechia: Sarnavskyi - Piła, Chindris, Gueho, Kałahur, Buletsa (Tsarenko 67'), Neugebauer (Kardaś 90'), Wendt (Pllana 76'), Sezonienko (Zhelizko 67'), D'Arrigo (Kapić 76'), Viunnyk






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80-560 Gdańsk
NIP: 957-10-15-123
tel. +48 58 76 88 401
fax +48 58 76 88 403


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